Semente Galician Education Schools (Escolas de Ensino Galego Semente) form part of a non-profit social initiative, that was originally inspired by “Gentalha do Pichel”. Together with similar projects, we aim to set the necessary foundations, to create a National Galician School.

This name is taken from the “Escolas de Ensino Galego (Galician Education Schools) which were created at the beginning of the 20th century by the “Irmandades da Fala” and promoted by Leandro Carre e Angelo Casal.

All the activities in the Escolas de Ensino Galego are conducted in Galician, the language of our community, in order to promote its acquisition, conversation, and consolidation. We believe that the Galician language is a binding part of our culture and identity, our history and most of all, part of our future.

We stand up for the international nature of our own language, which is an undeniable part of our school. We encourage our children to respect our intercultural society and people from other cultures who live living country.

Galician Education Schools act as a transformative educational space at the service of our community’s collective interests.

Our basic principles are:

  • Co education
  • secularism
  • assembly system
  • interaction with nature
  • respect of the child’s selfregulation
  • integration in the context of their village or town


Our project is carried out in Neda in the village of O Roxal, which is located in a well connected area that meets the needs of the county of Trasancos.

How to contribute:

Semente Trasancos is sustained by the work of supporters and by membership fees. Volunteers, parents and community members who believe in the need a of a quality education in our own language to give it a future.

Fees can be paid occasionally or monthly upon becoming a member, into the following bank account ES95 0081 2204 45 0001072917 or using PayPal.

In Semente Trasancos it is possible to ask for a scholarship as we are not an exclusive or private school. In order to give scholarships we intend to increase the number of our members and organize fun cultural activities that can help with the fund our school.

Educational principles of the “Escolas de Ensino Galego”

In the Escolas de Ensino Galego all the activities will be developed in the language of our people in order to facilitate its acquisition, conversation, and consolidation. We believe that the Galician language is a binding part of our culture and identity, our history and most of all of our future.

The Escolas de Ensino Galego are a transformative educational space where school is seen as an integral part of society. We aim to serve to the community’s collective interests and to guarantee an educational democratic learning process, making it possible for our children to develop themselves into free and questioning citizens.

Galician Education Schools are a creative innovative place. We help our students to develop their artistic abilities and imagination through creative thinking and innovation. Children observe situations and problems from every possible angle and they are able to come up with more than one answer to solve particular challenges.

Galician Education Schools are secular. Secular education represents conscious freedom, human rights, tolerance and democracy. There is no religious imposition, propaganda or indoctrination in our schools.

Galician Education Schools are a co-educational space: a place for the comprehensive education for our children with a gender equality-based education in all aspects. It is also a non-patriarchal, non sexist space, which helps our children take control of their own lives.

Galician Education Schools are governed by an assembly system. This is a decision making model where parents, teachers and students participate in an equal manner. The teacher has a direct and trusting relationship with families so that they can work together to promote the child’s education.

Galician Education Schools use nature as an essential means of education. Children can learn environmental principles by interacting with nature, using our vegetable garden, going hiking, etc. In addition, inside the school the responsible use or the use of recycled materials is prioritized.

Galician Education Schools defend responsible freedom, respect and selfregulation. The educator trusts the children completely, respects them as a person and respects their emotions as well, and offers them tools that will help them solve their conflicts by themselves. We try to favor the children’s awareness of their own freedom but also the existence of some basic limits of respect for others and their circumstances.

Galician Education Schools are interactive educational spaces where the educator is a mediator who accompanies the children in their own learning process. The educational relationship provides the conditions where teacher and child can work together to facilitate the comprehensive development of the child and the mutual learning process. All this supported by a proper environment.

In Galician Education Schools the relationship between students as teachers takes place on an equal playing field of understanding as mutual respect. It is through love, understanding and empathy that parents and teachers demonstrate these principles to the children.

Galician Education Schools are intercultural spaces where children understand the importance of respecting other cultures that live in our country, in turn allowing us to interact, grow and work together.

Galician Education Schools are open community spaces that care about the Trasancos neighbourhood. It is therefore an education which is an essential part of our community’s reality.